Below is a list of requests directly from the staff of Casebook to you, our readers. If you can be of any service, please let us know as quick as possible.
1. Search Engines -- Despite our success at becoming "the" place on the internet for Ripper investigation, we are still not listed in many of the major search engines (Webcrawler and Yahoo being the first on our list). We've tried again and again to register with as many search engines as possible but to no avail -- only Infoseek, Alta Vista, and Excite list our site (as far as we know). If anyone can lend a hand in the registering process, it would be greatly appreciated -- please send mail using the link at the bottom of the page.
2. Mailing List -- Before the crash of the previous account, the Casebook had an extensive mailing list which we would use to inform readers of updates to the page as well as emerging Ripper information. However, that list has been completely erased and we've been forced to rebuild from scratch. If anyone out there was on the OLD mailing list and has a copy of one of the Casebook's old updates with the addresses INTACT, please forward it to this account -- --- thank you!
3. New Associates -- The Casebook is always looking to expand in terms of its team. As of now we have four correspondent from around the globe who work on the page extensively, as well as many others who are part-time contributors. If anyone is interested, please feel free to send any of your work or ideas to -- if we like what we see, we will send you a personal invitation to join our team!
4. Jack the Ripper newsgroup -- I've been trying for weeks to start a Jack the Ripper newsgroup but I have neither the time nor patience to do so. If anyone out there does know how to create one, please do so! I'll post the name of the newsgroup on the page so we can have an even MORE interactive forum for discussion. alt.crime.jack-the-ripper anyone?
As always, please report any and all bugs and problems using any of the SEND MAIL links at the bottom of each page.